Surya Namaskar For Weight Loss

Surya Namaskar For Weight Loss

The first and foremost step for anyone to begin with yoga should to be Surya Namaskar. As the name suggests, it suggests that Sun Salutation and also the best time to follow it's within the morning before breakfast or within the evening.

Surya Namaskar will take you from adipose tissue to pleasing. it's a collection of twelve yoga postures and provides sensible vas exercise. every spherical of Surya Namaskar consists of 2 rounds and every round involves 12 postures.

Surya Namaskar For Weight Loss

Surya Namaskar For Weight Loss

Step 1: Pranamasana

Stand in an erect position, facing the sun, with palms accordion close to the chest in namaskar. Keep the feet along and breathe commonly.

Step 2: Hasta Uttanasana

Breathe in, raise the arms upward, and bend backwards with the face inform upwards and towards the sky. the rear should to be arched whereas bending backwards.

Step 3: Pada Hastasana

Exhale and keeping knees straight, bend down until the top touches the knees. ( For the beginners it'd not be doable. So, bend until you'll be able to simply stretch) The hands should to bit the ground on either facet of the feet with the palms flush against the bottom.

Step 4: Ashwa-Sanchalan-Asana

Inhale and stretch the left leg backwards, and balance the leg on the toes with the heel raised upwards. the correct leg is bent at the knee and also the head is upraised upwards to face the sky, whereas the hands stay stretched with the palms flush against the ground.

Step 5: Parvatasana

Exhale and keeping the palms flush against the bottom, the correct leg is pushed back to remain parallel with the left leg. The hip is raised with the top bent down to face the navel.

Step 6: Ashtanga Namaskar

Inhale and lower the hips. The toes, knees, chest, and face bit the ground whereas the hips area unit slightly raised.

Step 7: Bhujangasana

Exhale and stretch arms. raise the chest therefore the back arches and also the head is bent backwards to face the sky.

Step 8: Parvatasana

Exhale and perform as in step five

Step 9:Ashwa-Sanchalan-Asana

Inhale and perform as in step four

Step 10:Pada Hastasana

Exhale and perform as in step three

Step 11:Hasta Uttanasana

Inhale and perform as in step a pair of.

Step 12: Pranamasan

Bring back the hands during a accordion Namaskar to the chest, and breathe commonly as in step 1.

The steps area unit perennial once more, victimization the alternative leg in steps four to nine.  One spherical of Surya Namaskar so consists of twenty four steps. the perfect regime needs a private to perform 12 rounds.

Beginners will begin with half dozen rounds then double them subsequent week. Increase the rounds bit by bit and steady and ne'er transcend your capability. this can be however I experienced.


  • It strengthens the muscles of the whole body and tones them.
  • Improves blood circulation and helps in regulation irregular mensuration cycles. Brings a glow to the face.
  • Effective in reducing fat from the most common problem area: waist.
  • Flexibility and digestion are improved.
  • Reduces depression and anxiety.
  • Improves sleep and concentration.

Those with complications like inflammatory disease, slip-disk and cardiovascular disease sold-out take medical opinion before trying Surya Namaskar.

Surya Namaskar should to be performed facing the sun or if during a space, within the direction facing the sun. It should to be performed on a mat and not on the blank floor.

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