No matter what type of neck discomfort you are experiencing, getting rid of it would reduce a lot of stress and make your day easier. Neck pain is common and if you let it get worse it will take longer to heal, or worse, lead to a cervical spine injury. Learn now what your neck is all about and why you are getting this pain. You can then begin to treat the issue accordingly. The following tips are suggestions that you can consider after consulting with your healthcare professional.
The next day or in the evening you can begin to add hot/warm compress to your neck as you rest. Allowing the heat to seep deep into your muscles over fifteen or twenty minutes. Heat calms tight spasming muscles right down and increases circulation for quicker healing.
What is Causing my Neck Pain?
In most cases, the pain you are experiencing is from muscle strain or too much wear on the joints of your neck. If you tend to look up a lot on your job, like a Drywaller would, then you may be overusing the muscles in the back of your neck and putting added pressure on your joints. If your job requires you to sit at a desk most of the day you might be hunching forward and extending your neck out putting a lot of strain on your shoulder muscles as well as your neck. If you find you are looking down most of the time you might begin to lose the natural curve of your cervical spine. This natural curve is important for good posture. To ensure that the weight of your head is distributed evenly down your spine your shoulders should be rounded back and your ears in line with the middle of your shoulders. If at any extended period of time you are out of this balanced alignment, added pressure will be placed on one area, and opposing muscles will learn to shorten or lengthen, thus making it harder to return to proper posture.New Injury Pain Relief
In any case of muscle strain and new injury, your first step is to rest your neck properly and apply ice to reduce inflammation. Doing this for the first day will calm down the irritation and allow some healing. Find yourself a small towel and roll it up to put under your neck while you are resting. This will take the stress off your neck muscles completely and allow them to fully relax.The next day or in the evening you can begin to add hot/warm compress to your neck as you rest. Allowing the heat to seep deep into your muscles over fifteen or twenty minutes. Heat calms tight spasming muscles right down and increases circulation for quicker healing.