Easy Recipes for a Healthy Diet to Lose Weight

Wondering how to lose weight while being on a healthy diet? Well, losing weight isn't a quick or easy process, but a few simple weight loss tips can be a big help along the way. Increase the intake of protein, fibre, and healthy carbs, which boost the metabolism. Not sure how to work these calorie-burning ingredients into the daily menu, start with these recipes that can be made in very less time.

Recipes for the weight loss diet plan:

Broccoli and Feta Omelet with Toast: An easy breakfast recipe that will packs a punch with a satisfied yet energized feeling. The broccoli provides filling fibre and the protein-loaded eggs curb appetite and will help stave off the fhunger pangs.

Salmon Noodle Bowl: The meal offers a bounty of nutritious and metabolism-boosting ingredients. The salmon and avocado are rich in healthy fats, whereas noodles and veggetables are high in fibre to provide essential vitamins and minerals.

Chocolate-Dipped Banana Bites: The bananas in this dessert are a rich source of resistant starch, a type of healthy carbohydrate that burn calories. As an added bonus, this semisweet chocolate desert contains healthy fats to further rev the body metabolism.

Honey Grapefruit with Banana: While trying to trim down or stay slim, one cannot go wrong with the tangy tropical fruit salad. This salad is perfect for breakfast or as a colourful side dish at brunch as grapefruit is one of the best foods for weight loss. It has a high water concentration and the juice also prevents overeating.

White Bean and Herb Hummus with Crudités: Whip up a batch of flavourful, fibre-rich hummus in your own kitchen with lemon, olive oil, chives and white beans. Add assorted raw vegetables like broccoli to get more fibre and fat-burning resistant starch from this wholesome snack.

Spiced Green Tea Smoothie: Green tea is one of the top fat-burning foods due to a metabolism-boosting compound known as EGCG. So, the rich smoothie flavoured with spices, lime and agave nectar gives nutritional benefits of green tea.

Dark Chocolate and Oat Clusters: Desserts can help burn fat too especially when the desert is made with oatmeal and dark chocolate. Oatmeal contains 1.7 grams of resistant starch and the dark chocolate is full of healthy fats to help curb cravings. Peanut butter, which holds the clusters together provide satiating protein resulting in a guilt-free sweet treat.

Banana and Almond Butter Toast: The bananas and whole-grain bread are high in resistant starch that boost metabolism, while the almond butter adds hunger-curbing protein and healthy unsaturated fats.

Banana Nut Oatmeal: Get all of the flavour with fewer calories as both oatmeal and banana are powerhouses for appetite-suppressing resistant starch. Additionally, the walnuts provide heart-healthy fats.

Super-foods build bones, prevent chronic diseases, improve eyesight and also keeps the mind sharp. But the good news is that these foods can also help you have a healthy diet to lose weight and stay slim.

Losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight in the long term can be tough. There are plenty of small yet powerful ways to avoid common dieting difficulties by developing a healthier relationship with food and achieving lasting weight loss success.

Author Bio:

Amelia Smith is a shopping addict! Loves to talk about ways to stay fit, provide weight loss tips and share the quirky fashion side with her friends!
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